Hey there, I’m  Luis Ramirez

My interest in machine learning began in late 2011 when the first iteration of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) took place, by then there were only three courses including: Machine Learning by Andrew Ng and Artificial Intelligence by  Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun. I didn’t know enough English neither programming to follow the courses, but it was the beginning of a journey.

In late 2015 while finishing my degree in Electrical Engineering I started working part time doing web scraping, and since then I have worked in data science in quite a few projects and companies in several industries including: Real Estate, Industrial Fishing, Sport Analytics and consulting.  In the process I have moved from Venezuela to Peru and now to Chile, where I’m working as a data scientist at a consulting company.

Now I’m starting a blog to document and share side projects and notes. In the mid-term I plan to develop, beside  the blog post, a compelling course covering intermediate to advance material.